I am pleased to say that last Friday, almost 3 years after my Dad passed, part of his dying wish has been granted. 

In October 2022, the pathways project was awarded a vibrant spaces grant from Port Stephen’s council. The grant funded the manufacturing and installation of the signs that I have designed and illustrated. This is a project that I have been working on with my Mum, Micheala Gilligan. It’s been a lovely thing to have shared together. Mum has compiled and written all the history and local environment info for signs and website. This has become something of even more importance to us recently after my Mum has received a terminal cancer diagnosis. I’m so glad we could both be there together yesterday to see all our hard work come in to fruition. 

A huge THANK YOU to the beautiful Rebecca Morley and staff from Port Stephen’s Council who encouraged me to apply for the grant.

To the lovely Mark Ingram, Fran Giepmans and wise and knowledgeable Worimi man, Jamie Tarrant from National Parks and Wildlife, thank you for your support in helping progress this project. 

To The Opalescent Group for the manufacturing and installation of signs. Thank you to my family and friends who have believed in the project and put up with my stress and anxiety over the time. 

This is a first step. Next step, let’s get this pathway established!!