Wednesday 13 December 2023 was a special day in Seaham.
Thanks to the amazing staff from Port Stephens council for a lovely low-key launch of this first stage of the Seaham Shared Pathways Project funded by the Vibrant Spaces Grant. A huge thanks goes to Rebecca Morley who has gone above and beyond to support the project with inspiring positive energy. Beautiful half wine barrels filled with flowering plants and ornamental grapes vines now adorning the businesses in Seaham are a nod to the historic past of Porphyry vineyard. Sadly destroyed in the bushfires of 1939. A big thank you to Port Stephens council for this thoughtful addition to the Main Street of Seaham.
The morning was made even more special thanks to a beautiful Welcome to Country from Worimi Elder, Aunty Beryl. This was followed by smoking ceremony performed by Worimi man, Jamie Tarrant from NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service. Jamie included the aromatic foliage of Lemon Myrtle for its healing properties.
Members of the Seaham community joined with the principal of Seaham Public School, Mr Craig Partridge and the school captains.
A kind and generous donation was made to the Seaham Shared Pathways Project from the members of the Brandy Hill garden club. This will be used to go towards the printing of brochures that promote the project.
This was a lovely, positive way to mark this family legacy project. Thank you to all involved.